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Welcome to our online classes studio. Here you may learn not only the physical movements of oriental dance, but also the culture of the Middle East, rhythms, Arabic music, folk dance styles, basic gymnastics and ballet.

【Technique of belly dance 】 45 min

Level: Beginner, amateurs and professionals. Description of the class: warm up 10 mins, learn and practice new belly dance movement, tricks and secrets, rhythms, cool down 10 mins. Goal: learn and train belly dance movements, practice combining some movements together, improve posture and body flexibility, learn new rhythms, cardio training, burn fat, weight loss.

【Oriental choreography】 1 hour

Level: Amateurs and professionals. Description of the class: warm up 10 mins, learn and practice belly dance composition with special music and style (raqs sharqi, baladi, solo tabla, shaabi, saidi, pop songs, etc.), improve the improvisation skills, cool down 10 mins. Goal: learn new choreography, improve artistic abilities, be confident in front of an audience.

Get you money back with us!

Highly experienced professional belly dance instructor since 2011. Founder of the professional belly dance school "Eshta" facilitating adult and kid programs in the Ukraine. Have extensive experience of performing both domestically in the Ukraine and internationally.

If you are currently our student, then the refund received for the invited friend can be used as a discount for your monthly membership. However, if you are not our student and do not wish to enroll, you can receive cash.

After these conditions have been met, you will receive your special offer.

**Please note, that cash rebate system applicable only to the full month’s membership.
***The cash rebate system is applicable only to the “Technique of belly dance” monthly membership

What Our Students Have to Say

老師的肚皮舞功力無話可說,一層又一層的增加讓我們學到不同的東西,學習不同的音樂和舞蹈文化,教學上又很仔細,可以學習如何跟老師一樣綻放自信。 跟老師跳舞是一件很享受的事情!
蔡宛珍 Jane
Student from Taiwan
Wonderful way to get fit and surprise your husband at home !
Startch Julia
Student from Russia
老師很漂亮 而且很細心及用心的指導教學👍❤️✨
Student from Taiwan
以前我從未想過要接觸肚皮舞 但是跟Yana老師上課覺得很棒 即使是初學者也不必擔心 Yana老師很有大人與小孩的教學經驗 烏克蘭及俄羅斯從小舞蹈底子可是很深厚 有深厚專業基礎 我第一次上課以後就愛上這個課程 我發現這個課程對女孩子的腹部循環非常非常的有幫助 還有胸腺的地方 上完課覺得對女性體態都會變得有自信 課堂上可以聽一些簡單英文覺得很開心 還有可以聽到中東音樂 很有異國情調 這些是我額外覺得很棒的地方 非常推薦給大家 超棒的肚皮舞教學在這裡喔
Student from Taiwan